
We provide a generic way to filter and search results whenever a GET request to a resource returns a collection of records.

When listing records, you’ll often only want to return those which match specific criteria, such as listing all the notices of a given type or those created after a particular date.

The ‘Filter’ Parameter

This is done using the ‘filter’ parameter on the request. This parameter can contain a number of keys which are the combination of the attribute name and operator, followed by the value.

Example request filtering notices created before 1st January 2025

curl curl -X GET \
   -d "filter[created_at_gt]=2025-01-01" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer token"

Filtering ‘Included’ Records

You can also apply these exact same filters against collections nested under a singular resource which you’ve included using the ‘?include’ parameter.

Here you have to submit a nested parameter within filter which corresponds to the name of the included collection, this, in turn, contains the filters for that collection.

Example request getting a status page with notices created before 1st January

curl curl -X GET \
  -d include="notices"\
  -d "filter[created_at_gt]=2025-01-01" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer token"

Available Operators

The examples above both use the *_gt operator, but there are lots of other useful operators you can use in much the same manner.

*_eqThe attribute equals the value provided.?filter[subject_eq]="Database Maintenance"
*_not_eqThe attribute does not equal the value provided.?filter[subject_not_eq]="Database Maintenance"
*_matchesThe attribute partially matches the value LIKE.?filter[subject_matches]="%Maintenance"
*_contThe attribute contains the value.?filter[subject_cont]="Maintenance"
*_gtThe attribute is greater than the value provided.?filter[created_at_gt]="2021-05-06"
*_ltThe attribute is less than the value provided.?filter[created_at_lt]="2021-05-06"
*_gteqThe attribute is greater than or equal to the value provided.?filter[created_at_gteq]="2021-05-06"
*_lteqThe attribute is less than or equal to the value provided.?filter[created_at_lteq]="2021-05-06"
*_presentThe attribute is not blank or empty.?filter[began_at_present]
*_blankThe attribute is blank or empty.?filter[began_at_blank]
*_inThe attribute is contained in the list provided by the value.?filter[type_in][]="planned"&filter[type_in][]="unplanned"
*_not_inThe attribute is not contained in the list provided by the value.?filter[type_not_in][]="planned"&filter[type_not_in][]="unplanned"