API Documentation
Welcome to the Sorry™ REST API reference. We currently only offer one version of the API.
Using the Sorry™ API, you can create and configure your status pages, post new notices and much more. The references provided are guidance only, so please ensure you follow the correct endpoint instructions.
Base URL
The Sorry™ API is built on REST principles and requires HTTPS in every request for security and privacy. It does not support HTTP.
All requests contain the following base URL:
Base URL
Includes resources
Resources often have associations with one another.
For instance, a Page has a Brand, or a Notice has many Updates. You can request each of these separately, but it is easier to gather a collection of resources in one request using included resources.
Example including brand settings
Deep nesting
You can nest include requests with the dot property. For example, requesting notices.updates on a page will consist of each notice and all their respective updates.
Example including notices and notice updates
Including multiples
You can expand multiple objects at once by identifying multiple items in the include parameter separated by a comma, such as brand and notices.updates.
Example including brand settings and notices and updates